Acne scar removal can be both painful, and expensive. In most cases, it will take more than one round of treatment to get the best results, and often, even with the best results, the scars are not completely removed, but are greatly diminished and less noticeable. Most acne scar removal treatments are done in the dermatologists office, and the patient is sedated.
The newest method for acne scar removal is laser skin resurfacing. Using a laser, the scarred skin is vaporized, leaving the layer of unscarred skin below the vaporized skin visible. Doctors are recommending laser skin resurfacing more than other treatments due to the fact that the results seem to be better, and fewer recurring treatments are necessary. While this method has been proven to be quite effective, other older methods of acne scar removal are also still used.
Dermabrasion is probably the widest known and used method of acne scar removal. A machine is used to literally abrade the skin, removing the top layer. Skin will have a smoother appearance, but the results are not as effective as laser skin resurfacing. Dermabrasion is less expensive than laser skin resurfacing, however.
Chemical peels are also a popular method for acne scar removal. Chemical peels work just like Dermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing, by removing the top layer of skin. But instead of using machinery or lasers, chemicals are used to remove the top layer. The results are about the same as the results that are achieved with Dermabrasion - and chemical peels are usually less expensive.
While laser skin resurfacing, Dermabrasion, and chemical peels are the most popular methods for acne scar removal, injection methods are also used. The injections may contain collagen, or fat taken from other parts of the body. While these injections work well, they do have to be repeated often, and they can be quite expensive. The injections do not actually remove or heal the scars - it simply hides them by filling them up.
Deep acne scars can be removed with punch grafts. Grafts of skin are taken from other parts of the body, and used to replace the scarred skin. This is a drastic method, and is usually only used for severe acne scars. This is a surgical procedure that is usually done in the hospital, not in the doctors office.
Less severe acne scars may be treated with over the counter creams that contain Retin-A. Your dermatologist can also prescribe medications that contain Retin-A for acne scar removal. Again, this will only work for very light scarring. Moderate to severe scarring requires other types of treatment, such as dermabrasion, chemical peels, or laser skin resurfacing.
Everyone is not a candidate for acne scar removal. Many active diseases or pre-existing conditions can prevent you from pursuing acne scar removal treatments. Such diseases or conditions should be discussed with your health care provider before seeking treatment for acne scar removal. Furthermore, if you have an acne breakout during your acne scar removal treatment, that treatment will be discontinued until the outbreak clears up, and there is no sign of infection.
Of course, the best treatment for acne scar removal would be not to get the scars in the first place. Do not pop or squeeze acne pimples, and do not leave acne pimples untreated. If you dont use anything else, use an antibiotic ointment on the pimples to ensure that the infection clears up properly. However, if you do have acne scars, and you are thinking about acne scar removal, talk with your dermatologist to determine which method will work best for you, keeping in mind that some treatments work well for some people, while different treatments work better for others. Your dermatologist will be able to determine which treatment will work best for you, based on the severity of your acne scars, and your skin type.
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